Grow Room Advice

Dealing With Rising Temperatures & Heat Stress

Having trouble with your plants due to rising temperatures and heat stress?

If you cant make a change to your environment, there’s still plenty of positive action you can take!

Here’s what we recommend…

1.) LED lights produce very little heat and therefore run much cooler than traditional grow room lights… so swap your HID lights for LED Lighting.

For example the Lumatek Zeus 600w.

Lumatek 600w Zeus Pro 2.9 LED, Lumatek, LED Lighting

2.) In hydroponic systems consider using a chiller, we recommend the Hailea Water Chiller to cool your water temperature.

Hailea Water Chiller, Hailea, Water Chillers

3.) For all growing methods, we recommend VitaLink Chill, which allows your plants to thrive in higher than normal temperatures!

4.) We also recommend Superthrive and Revive, great products to repair the damage caused by hot temperatures. 

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