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Back in! – Exhale CO2 Bags

Back in stock… ExHale CO2 Bags – The CO2 revolution for all growers! 

No need to turn it on or turn it off, simply place the ExHale CO2 bag in your grow space and leave it alone to do its job. A continuous shower of CO2 directly onto your plants is the most efficient way to deliver CO2. 

For photosynthesis, you need carbon dioxide, water, and light as the basics, and if one of these parts is in short supply it will limit plant growth.

Normally, we can provide excess amounts of light and water and nutrient with no problem, it is carbon dioxide that is usually the limiting factor in your plant growth.

This is where the ExHale CO2 Bag comes in… if we can increase the co2 levels then we can increase the nutrient and water uptake, then the plant can process more light which means more photosynthesis and larger yields.

As with Liebligs law of the minimum, it states that growth is dictated not by total resources available, but by the scarcest resource (limiting factor).  So essentially this is why you need more CO2.

Growing with LED Lights?

If you are growing using LED lights, your plants will be extracting less air due to less heat, meaning there will be less air exchanges, so add in an exhale bag to keep your co2 levels high and your plants happy!

Purchase an ExHale CO2 Bag today