The Grow Room

Growroom – Moruga Scorpion Chillis Pt 2

Week 2/3

With roots starting to come through the 40 mm rockwool cubes, and the young seedlings hardened off, it is time to transplant them into the 4 inch rockwool cubes.

  • Again we need to initially soak the block.
  • The ph is set to 5.7
  • This time, to help encourage root development and growth, we are able to introduce a light feed as well.
  • Using an Electrical Conductivity (EC) meter to measure the amount of nutrients, salts and impurities in water we first test what level our tap water is without anything in it – this is called your background reading. Ours has a background EC of 0.7.
  • When adding any nutrient to your solution always go up in small increments of 0.2. Therefore we are looking to increase the EC to 0.9.
  • We used Canna Rhizotonic to encourage root development through the 4 inch block and Canna Start, a light feed for small developing plants.
  • Both products were added at the recommended ml’s per litre and the solution tested to ensure a 0.2 rise in EC to 0.9.
  • The 4 inch rockwool cubes were soaked in this solution, then as usual, flicked out to get rid of excess water without squeezing the block.
  • The 40mm rockwool cube is then placed in to the hole on the top of the 4 inch rockwool cube, being careful not to damage the roots that have started to appear.
  • To stop light hitting the surface of the blocks and creating a layer of algae on them (water and light creates algae) we have used a Floraflex cube cover over each block.
  • These cube covers will be used later to hold dripper lines for the Origin duo system (formerly known as a Wilma duo)
  • The small chilli plants are then put back under our propagation light, with the lid off until the roots start to appear through the larger cube.
  • Ensure that the cube stays moist, hand water daily with your prepared solution of pH 5.7 and EC of 0.9. You are aiming for any water in the bottom of the tray to have been sucked up in to the cube within 30-45 mins of watering – do not leave water sitting in bottom of tray for longer than this or cubes will be too wet.

Check back next week for the next stage in our Moruga Chilli grow diary!

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