Coco Says

Dealing With Spider Mite

In summer we see a large increase in Spider mite complaints.

Spider mite reproduce quicker once the heat rises.

Signs of Spider mite start with silver spotting on weaker plants (eggs laid on the underside of the leaf) and increase to webbing on the leaves.

Eggs will hatch within 3-4 days, and mites can be sexually mature in 5 days.

Spray both the tops and bottoms of EVERY leaf every 3-4 days.

Spray ½ hour before the lights go off.

Vary your insecticide as they can become immune to a particular one.

Ensure your spray is correct for your crop and the growth cycle of your crop.

NEVER leave carpet or exposed wood in your room – they will thrive in it.

Change your clothes before entering your grow room – don’t bring the outdoors indoors.

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